Monday, March 23, 2009

9 months old

Meade turned 9 months old today! It is unbelievably scary how fast time flies! He is getting to be such a big boy. I often wish I could freeze time and keep him this age forever. The future is something I look at with excitment and trepidation. I want to savor each end every moment while he is a baby. It's hard to imagine a time were he won't need me anymore. To be honest I don't want to imagine that. So now, we will just be in the moment of 9 months old...and in the grand scheme of truly is only a moment.

We started off the day going to the carpet store. Not very exciting for a baby. But he did a good job waiting while I figured out what to get. He enjoyed touching all the different types of carpet. Thankfully we are in the final stages of redoing our front porch. It is going be Meade's new play area. The porch was in need of a face lift so I am happy that it has come together. I am amazed at what a coat of paint will do for a room. It is going to be a wonderful space for him to play. The carpet will make his next stages of development a little more comfortable.

Our pace has been picking up around here. With spring comes a whole different routine. Dad is back to work 6 days a week. I am back 3 days. I worked felt nice to get my hands dirty and to start working with plants again. Even though the ground is still cold and things are just starting to poke out of the soil. The greenhouse is super warm and full of cool plants just waiting to be potted up! Check out our website!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Back to work!

I went back to work today... this week I am only going in one day. Next week I will start back to a part time schedule. Which will be 3 days a week. I must say I am overwhelmed. Anxiety is an emotion that comes extremely easy to me. So needless to say I have it...big time! There is so much to do in a short amount of time! One of my co-workers is not coming back this season. With me being part-time the responsibilities seem to be to much. I know everything always seems bad in the moment. I am going to try to sleep on it and hopefully will feel some relief in the morning....

On a brighter note yesterday needs to be reflected on briefly. It was a cloudy morning but we spent it at our local Le leche league meeting. My friend recently had a beautiful baby girl and we went together. It is always nice to get together with women that also nurse there children. It is a comfortable environment where I always end up learning something. The sun came out to accompany the warm weather so Meade and I hit the streets. We walked, went on the swing and just enjoyed being outside. I ended the day with a really nice yoga class. I have not been to a class since before I was pregnant. It was nice and gentle...something I really needed.

I will be teaching a couple workshops this spring at the garden center where I work. The picture I included is one thing people will be making....a bird feeder with a succulent green roof.

Monday, March 9, 2009

It was a long week!

I am finally breathing a sigh of relief! Jason was away all last week on a well deserved snowboarding trip. Thankfully he is back. I can't even begin to explain how difficult life was without him. Physically and emotionally. I have a new found respect for all the single parents out there. I opted to keep the dog home with Meade and I. I thought it would be better for him. Why subject him to a 7 hour car ride and spending the day alone while dad was riding. In the end it was better for him. However he was having a really hard time dealing with his dad gone. Jason walks him every single morning! Rain or shine. I could not do that. With a 8 month old baby who had a cold, I just couldn't bring him into the freezing temps to walk the dog. I must mention we have a lovely yard that is perfectly fine for him to run around in. But not Eli...he needed his walk. Luckily he finally realized that the yard WAS his only option. Out of pure desperation he took it. Meade and I rewarded his cooperation later in the day (when it warmed up a few degrees) with his walk. We bundled up... somehow I squeezed him into the carrier and we did it. But that walk was one of the hardest things I have done since child birth...seriously.

On Sunday our tribe got together... Jason was Jamie's substitute for the day. We had fun pushing Emmett and Meade around our town. We brought them down to the river for some pictures. They were both armed with their favorite kitchen utensils. They were super cute waving them in the air as they were pushed through the streets. It was nice to feel the warm air on our skin. I think we are all looking forward to spring.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The little things that make me happy

Our friend Bill gave us some winter aconites and snowdrops. Jason and I have been looking into getting these bulbs for some time. The thing is, we usually think about getting them then it is to late or we just forget. We read the best time to plant them is when they have started to grow. I was so excited to come home to see this pot filled with these little treasures for our garden.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hair 4 kids

If you don't already mom owns a hair cutting place for kids. Last week I took Meade there for a visit. They have cars and animals for children to sit in while they are getting their hair cut. Obviously, Meade doesn't have any hair to cut... but he had a blast sitting in the race car hamming it up for the girls that work there. It is funny when you have a day where your baby just blows you away. He is kind of shy in some situations. He takes a little while to warm up to people. However this day in particular he was having the time of his life. I thought I would share some pictures.

On the move

Well... we are finally settling in after being on the go, go, go. We had good time but are glad to be back in the comfort of our home and routines. As much as I miss the laid back lifestyle I used to is even better doing new things with Meade. Lots of firsts happened this past month. Our first trip away without dad. Funny thing is Meade started saying da da while we were away. Our "tribe" hit the road to Woodstock, New York. Some definite bumps in the road. But I wouldn't trade the experience and the break from the hum dum days of winter, for anything. However my teething baby was having a hard time rolling with the punches. Poor little guy...

The tribe had some tears and tons of smiles! I am looking forward to our next adventure!