Well... we are finally settling in after being on the go, go, go. We had good time but are glad to be back in the comfort of our home and routines. As much as I miss the laid back lifestyle I used to have...it is even better doing new things with Meade. Lots of firsts happened this past month. Our first trip away without dad. Funny thing is Meade started saying da da while we were away. Our "tribe" hit the road to Woodstock, New York. Some definite bumps in the road. But I wouldn't trade the experience and the break from the hum dum days of winter, for anything. However my teething baby was having a hard time rolling with the punches. Poor little guy...
The tribe had some tears and tons of smiles! I am looking forward to our next adventure!
Meade sure is changing fast these days! He is quite a looker ... watch out!
LOL! Your funny Erin! Thanks! xo