I am finally breathing a sigh of relief! Jason was away all last week on a well deserved snowboarding trip. Thankfully he is back. I can't even begin to explain how difficult life was without him. Physically and emotionally. I have a new found respect for all the single parents out there. I opted to keep the dog home with Meade and I. I thought it would be better for him. Why subject him to a 7 hour car ride and spending the day alone while dad was riding. In the end it was better for him. However he was having a really hard time dealing with his dad gone. Jason walks him every single morning! Rain or shine. I could not do that. With a 8 month old baby who had a cold, I just couldn't bring him into the freezing temps to walk the dog. I must mention we have a lovely yard that is perfectly fine for him to run around in. But not Eli...he needed his walk.
Luckily he finally realized that the yard WAS his only option. Out of pure desperation he took it. Meade and I rewarded his cooperation later in the day (when it warmed up a few degrees) with his walk. We bundled up... somehow I squeezed him into the carrier and we did it. But that walk was one of the hardest things I have done since child birth...seriously.
On Sunday our tribe got together... Jason was Jamie's substitute for the day. We had fun pushing Emmett and Meade around our town. We brought them down to the river for some pictures. They were both armed with their favorite kitchen utensils. They were super cute waving them in the air as they were pushed through the streets. It was nice to feel the warm air on our skin. I think we are all looking forward to spring.
Has Jason read this post? I bet it would make him feel so good to know how much he is appreciated! I love how the "little men" were armed with kitchen utensils on their walk! Ha ...