Well... I guess I will start out explaining my title. A very good friend suggested I start this blog. I was looking for something inspirational to help me begin. Being a new mom I didn't have to look very far. The beautiful new addition to our lives was upstairs, napping away. Seven month old as of yesterday. Seven pretty crazy and wonderful months. That leads me to my title...every star shines a different light, by Dr. William Sears. When I read those words it gave me a very warm feeling. Ever since Meade was born I had been referencing The Baby Book, written by Dr. Sears. When I discovered that he had also written one called the Fussy Baby Book, I was thrilled. That is when I stumbled upon those words. And it put everything that I had been feeling over the past 7 months into perspective. And it made me very happy!
Welcome my good friend ... So happy to see you!