Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Easter!

Things have been pretty busy at the nursery where I work.  Most of the time I enjoy just working 3 days a week.  Although, this time of year I would gladly spend more time there!  So many plants to create things with, so little time...

Here is a succulent topiary I put together. It is a sample for a workshop that I will be teaching this June.  If your near Howell, NJ...sign up now!!

primrose, pansy, sedum living wreath...

There is nothing better than an urn full of spring bulbs, pansies, sedums, and hydrangeas!! 

Scratch all of that...this little guy is better than all of the flowers in the world!

Happy Easter! 

Monday, April 4, 2011


Double flowering hellebores, potting bench filling up, plans for an outdoor fairy garden and veggie garden in the head is spinning!

It's here!